Social disorganization theory suggests that certain neighborhood characteristics, such as poverty, high population turnover, and weak social networks, can lead to high crime rates and other social problems. In the context of the American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, social disorganization theory might suggest that areas with high poverty rates, low levels of educational attainment, and a high percentage of single-parent households might be more likely to experience social disorganization and its associated problems, such as crime, unemployment, and poor health outcomes. The theory is often used to explain the concentration of social problems in certain urban neighborhoods, and to develop strategies for addressing those problems through community-based interventions and social policy.
ZIP code: 32132
Total population: 7667
Sex Ratio (males to female): 100.7
Median Age: 58.6
Average household size (persons): 2.05
Males never married (%): 24.5
Population with educational attainment below 12th grade (%): 7.5
Population who lived in a different house last year (%): 6.3
Percent of population unemployed: 0.6
Average income per household ($): 30149.0
Median annual earnings for workers ($): 28711.0
Housing units that are vacant (%): 9.2
Housing units that are rentals (%): 16.6
Houses with more than one occupant per room (%): 1.1
Families living below the poverty line (%): 13.6